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01. Open 7 Days - Play Jungle Juice every day for a week (7 REAL days in a row). Unlocks +$7 starting money.
Run the game at least once every day for a week (i.e. each day of the week, without skipping a day). You don't need to play for any specific length of time, even a few seconds will do.
02. Loafer - Close (make no juice) on 7 occasions. Allows you to explore on stormy days off.Just start the day with zero buckets of juice (thereby taking a day off from work) on seven occasions over the course of your career. Note that you cannot explore in Piglet Mode, nor on days when something else interesting is happening.
03. Socialite - Get on first-name terms with a simian. Unlocks +10 starting reputation.This is related to your conversations with the Monkey at the beginning and end of Piglet mode. Try being extra polite or extra rude in the first conversation.
04. Philanthropist - Give away 100 glasses of juice. Unlocks +10 starting reputation.
Set your price to $0.00 and thereby give away 100 cups of juice for free, over the course of your career (it doesn't have to be all at once).
05. Charlatan - Rip off 100 customers with a stingy juice recipe. Unlocks -1 starting reputation.
Sell 100 people the cheapest possible, lowest-quality juice -- at normal prices! -- over the course of your career (it doesn't have to be all at once).
06. Weathered - Experience all weather conditions/reports. Unlocks 20% off the Telescope upgrade price.
You just need to see every possible weather type reported on the news over the course of your career. The Telescope upgrade may help you to get the "Stormy" forecast.
07. Veteran - Complete each game mode without selling your medal. Unlocks +$3 starting money.
Complete each game mode at least once without pawning your medal to Buddy Croc.
08. Financier - Finance a polar expedition. Ice machines produce 10% more ice!
Give money to Roald Egret when he asks for donations.
09. Cynic - Don't allow yourself to be taken in by charlatans. Unlocks +$6 starting money.
Some characters try to trick you in special events. Outwit them all at least once over the course of your career.
10. Adventurer - Achieve the rank of Master Adventurer! Unlocks +5 starting reputation.
Sometimes when you take a day off (see Loafer), you will be given an option to explore the jungle. While exploring, one of the available paths will lead to your unlocking this trophy.
11. Angler - Hook something while fishing! Unlocks +5 starting reputation.
Sometimes when you take a day off (see Loafer), you will be given an option to explore the jungle. While exploring, one of the available paths will lead to an opportunity to go fishing. Fish caught while on a camping holiday do not count.
12. Commodore - Sink a warship in a game of Salvo! Unlocks +$2 starting money.
On achieving the best possible outcome in the "lost earring" series of events, you will be given an opportunity to play "Salvo!"
13. Researcher - Spend a thrilling 30 seconds reading the Credits page! Unlocks +$2 starting money.
Read the game credits for 30 seconds. Or, if you find that too tiring, you can also break it into two 15-second sessions.
14. Appropriator - Gain ownership of a large trunk. Unlocks 20% extra storage space without a storage shed.
This is unlocked during an obscure alternate ending to the "master criminal" series of events in Whole Hog Mode. It relates to large, heavy stones.
15. Investor - Deposit a total of $100.00 at the bank. Unlocks a $10 starting bank account!
Sometimes when you take a day off (see Loafer), you will be given an option to explore the jungle. While exploring, one of the available paths will lead to the local bank.
16. Informant - Precipitate five police arrests. Unlocks 'Meme' event as a random event.
Snitch on (or capture) four separate characters during special events, leading to their arrest by the police. This includes: a pair of criminals (2); Jumbo (1); an innocent animal (1); and Jumbo again, after he escapes! (1). Five arrests in total.
IMPORTANT NOTE: An issue has been discovered that prevents this trophy from being unlocked under specific circumstances: Capturing Jumbo (the master criminal) for the first time is not counted towards unlocking the trophy if you also refuse to hire Michael Mouse to work at your stand.
Until it's fixed: To unlock that stage of the trophy, you will need to hire Michael Mouse without letting Jumbo escape! (In Whole Hog or Capitalist Pig mode)
It's tricky to do successfully, so make your choices carefully. Hints: You can't capture Jumbo while asleep or unconscious. It also helps to know which characters and facilities reside upriver or downriver. Good luck!
17. Spendthrift - Purchase all available upgrades in Whole Hog Mode. Unlocks +10 starting rep.
Own all the best upgrades in Whole Hog Mode. You can skip the cheaper ice-makers.
18. Pig of the World - Experience at least 75 different special events. Unlocks +16 starting rep.
If you're having trouble with this one, try selecting different options during interactive events, as sometimes this will trigger new special events. Also try taking some days off work (see Loafer) for bonus events.
19. Marketeer - Spend $1,000.00 on advertising during your career. Unlocks +7 starting rep.
You don't need to do this all in the one game mode. The spending accumulates over each new game.
20. Populist - Serve 10,000 customers over the course of your career. Unlocks +7 starting rep.
You don't need to do this all in the one game mode. The servings accumulate over each new game.
21. Filthy Rich - Make $10,000.00 in revenue over the course of your career. Unlocks +$5 starting money.
You don't need to do this all in the one game mode. The earnings accumulate over each new game.
22. Entrepreneur - Achieve Entrepreneur rank or higher in every game mode. Unlocks +$5 starting money.
Achieve a high enough score to be able to afford the most expensive reward at the end of each game mode. (You don't need to actually choose it, though.)
23. Connoisseur - Purchase all three ending rewards from each game mode. Unlocks +30 starting rep.
Buy all three types of beds at the end of Piglet Mode, all three holidays at the end of Porker Mode, and all three houses at the end of Whole Hog Mode. This means you need to complete each game mode at least three times.
24. Capitalist Pig - Achieve the secret Capitalist Pig rank on every game mode. Unlocks a secret difficulty level!
This is the hardest trophy to unlock, requiring great skill and expert knowledge of the game. Refer to the general gameplay tips for help with improving your score.
The minimum scores for Capitalist Pig ranking are:
Unlocking this trophy will allow you to play the game in Capitalist Pig Mode -- a longer, harder and less predictable version of Whole Hog Mode with completely randomized events. Note that Capitalist Pig Mode does not contain a new story.